Legal Notice

Website owner

IPRA France
Company name: FREERISE
Registration number:
SAS with capital of: 5000 €
VAT number:


Website creator

806 route of Antibes
06410 BIOT
la France
Official website FREERISE


Website hosting

Amazon Web Services LLC
LLC 1200 12th Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98144-2734



The whole of this site falls under the French legislation on the copyright and the intellectual property. In application of the law of March 11, 1957 (article 41) and the code of the intellectual property of July 1, 1992, any representation, reproduction, modification, commercial use, partial or total as well as any transfer towards another site are prohibited, unless authorized by IPRA France. The logos, visuals and pdf on this site are the property of IPRA France. Any reproduction integral or partial of this site or one of the elements which composes it is prohibited. The company IPRA France and the company Freerise reserves the right to claim damages in case of infringement and more generally infringement of its intellectual property rights.


General Data Protection Regulation

Our website collects personal data about you (Name, Surname, address, telephone, email).

This data is archived and secured in our private database saved by our web provider.
Only the employees of FREERISE and our web service have access.
Only FREERISE employees can use them.

By filling out a form on our website , you agree that we use them for commercial purposes.
All forms completed by site users are likely to be used for commercial actions.

You can leave our databases:

- Upon simple written or oral request to our services ( or +33 (0)4 92 38 96 50)
- By unsubscribing from one of our emails (Link unsubscribe at the bottom of the email)

You can also ask us to modify or partially delete certain data concerning you (email, telephone, postal address) on simple written or oral request to our services ( or +33 (0)4 92 38 96 50)